
Christmas Traditions

We have several traditions in our family.  Most of them are handed down by my side because I husband claims that he doesn't believe in tradition & that his family is not like that.  Which is wrong because we always do the same things at their house at Christmas (bake thousands of cookies, decorate the tree, etc).  And for someone who claims to not care about tradition he's always the first one to scream out it's time to open presents and that we "always open presents on Christmas Eve".  Which is untrue of both our families, but he continually tries to convince every one that it is a tradition.

Where did these little girls go?!  

Anyway, one of my favorite traditions is one I started with my kiddos.  

Oh, look at that little peanut in front... she turned a year today!  I think time changed to warp speed in 2010.

Every Christmas Eve after the church service & feasting on Pizza at 8:30pm (I grew up as a pastor's child & I married a pastor, Christmas Eve church service is the focus of the evening.  There is no room for fancy dinners, but there is always room for Pizza Hut!) my little monkeys get to open one present.  It's a little anti-climatic because it is always the same thing- pajamas. 

Even at a young age Gracie refused to take a straight forward, & Maddie is, of course, picture perfect. 

I love this tradition because we all get that tinge of anticipation for ripping open the wrapping paper out of our system (for a few minutes anyway).  My kids get new pjs, which they always somehow need. I don't get it because they just wear them to bed- but whatever.  I like practical gifts.  And lastly they're gift can go right into use & motivates them to put on their pjs.  Even if it's just for that one night!

Oh wait, how did that get in there?!  Not as cute, but still in the pajama theme of things. Look at my bro-in-law in the background.  He looks confused, humored & disgusted.

What's one of your favorite traditions?  I'd love to hear it.  It's fun to see what things have stuck in families through the generations and what sticks in everyone's heart.  Put you favorite tradition in the "Comments" section below.  Merry Christmas!


  1. Wow, to pick just one tradition? When there are so, so many wonderful ones to pick from? Spritz cookies come to mind. I used to make them with my grandma and now my daughters make them with me. We spend Christmas Eve before the service watching the holiday specials and singing carols, then we go to church and enjoy the festivities there. After church, we go to "the Christmas house" as my children have termed it...the Koch's place off of Russell and then drive around and look at Christmas lights. Then it's home and egg nog and a light snack and then one present and off to bed. Golden, sweet silence sitting in front of the fire with only the lights on the tree and snuggling next to my sweetie. And that's where I'm going to stop, or I'll have to just copy and paste this onto my own blog!!!
    Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Nice pic of josh and beau!!! I love the tradition of spending time in the kitchen with the ladies and of course just being with family every Christmas. We always laugh and create millions of memories!

  3. picking one tradition IS hard! I will say making our gingerbread house together as a family is my favorite. We make it from scratch, no kits, and try to do something different each year. After 20 years of this tradition originality is getting challenging. One year it was a a gingbread volcano with candy blowing out the top. Another year it was a tree house. Making a giant penguin out of gingerbread:what legends are made of. Who knows what this year will reveal. Rachel wants to just do something normal. ??? It is usually a 3 day event. (I better get started) Then on New Years Day we eat it.
